Dynamics AX 2012 R2 – New financial features

Within this post, I will give an update on some changes within the financial functionalities of AX2012 R2.

Account structures

In AX2012 the link with the account structures was on the level of the chart of accounts. In AX2012 R2 the setup of active account structures are moved to the Ledger form.

This will enhance the setup options where you want to use a shared chart of accounts but have the dimension controlled per company. With help of account structures, you can have restrictions on values within the dimension per company or even have another dimension structures per company.

Financial Dimension Sets

Within the R2 release (and CU4 for AX2012) the option “Update balances during the posting process” per dimension set automatically has been depreciated. You now have to schedule the periodic job “Update balances” into a recurring batch per Dimension set. This option was also available on prior versions. Now it is mandatory to use. For performance reasons, batch tasks are the better option.

Exchange rate providers

An exciting new feature is the configuration of exchange rate providers. Out of the box three providers are leveraged. When needed you can develop new providers. A whitepaper is available for download.

There is a periodic job within the general ledger menu for importing the rates: “Import currency exchange rates”. This task can be scheduled within the batch framework to run periodically.

Budget planning

Enhancements in AX2012 R2 were added to budget plans. You can have multiple processes active at the same time, so this will guarantee more flexibility. Multiple budget plans (lower organization level) can be consolidated in a parent budget plan at a higher level. The organizational hierarchy can be the base for these plans.

Rollup 4 for Management Reporter also supports the new features of AX2012 R2.

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That’s all for now. Till next time!

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