Currency calculator for Microsoft Dynamics AX
When you are in the need of converting an amount from one currency to another you can go to a website and convert online with exchange rates provided by a central bank. When you are using Microsoft Dynamics AX you setup your own currency exchange rates. In AX2012 R2 you can also use exchange rate providers to have the rates downloaded periodically.
Currency calculator
Regardless of the online currency converters, I was wondering why there is no form in AX to convert the currencies with the exchange rates which are setup in your application. So I decided to create a form like the unit conversion for calculating the currencies with help of your own setup.
I created two versions: One for AX2012 and one for AX2009. You can download the objects from GitHub: When you have downloaded the objects for your version, you can install objects from the xpo file.
When you have installed the objects and the compilation is successful, the form “Currency calculator” can be accessed from the Tools menu.
The model file can be imported in both AX2012 and AX2012 R2. When opening the form the exchange rate type is defaulted from your company setting and the currencies are filled with the standard company currency.
For AX2012 the menu item is added to the privilege ‘ClientEssentials’.
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That’s all for now. Till next time!
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