Last week the MVP summit November 2013 was held in Redmond/Bellevue. The date of this annual event was changed bringing the MVP summit to November. Microsoft geeks from all over the world with professions on several products and technologies came to learn and meet each other.  As a rookie MVP on Microsoft Dynamics AX it was my first MVP summit.
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Hi all,

Recently Microsoft released CU7 for Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 R2. During testing of the beta version I came across an error when installing CU7 on top of AX2012 R2 where the Data Import/Export Framework (DIEF) was installed as well. I reported this to Microsoft and learned that DIEF would be part of CU7. The objects were transferred to the syp layer.
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This is part 3 of the series blogs about the Dynamics Apps for Windows 8. This time I will review the Expense Management features.
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Recently I took a look at the Test Data Transfer Tool (beta) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. There is quite good information available to get started with the tool. E.g. information on TechNet is available. A link to the set of documentation is included at the end of this post.
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