Changing customer from organization to person in AX 2012

When creating a customer in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, you can select a record type Organization or Person. When you forget to check this field, an error is made easily. So how can we correct this? This post will guide you to change the customer from Organization to Party or vice versa. It also applies to other entities like vendors.

Suppose a person created Ronald Trump as Organization by accident. Because this customer already has some transactions it is not possible to delete this record and create a new one.

How to change the record type?

Navigate the menu to Home/Area page. You can open the Global address book and create a new Party. Set the record type to Person.

Then go to the customer details form. Select the record which you want to change. In this case it is Ronald Trump. Click the button Change party association on the action strip you can find on the fast tab General.

In the New party record field, select the new Ronald Trump record.

You have to confirm this action.

Now Ronald Trump is associated with an Address book record with the type Person.

You can delete the old Global address book record if there are no other roles attached to it.

I do hope you liked this post and will add value for you in your daily work as a professional. If you have related questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to use the Comment feature below.

That’s all for now. Till next time!

2 replies
  1. zeeshan
    zeeshan says:

    Very good blog. Most of our clients create duplicate records again and again.
    This blog really helped me to acknowledge them.

    Zeeshan Shaikh


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