If you want to know the size of a single company in Microsoft Dynamics AX or which tables consumes the largest space in the database, we were used to run the Size of company accounts report. Initially you cannot find this report in the menu structure of the new cloud version of Microsoft Dynamics AX. This post will tell you how you can run this report and how to find or run reports using AX URL parameters.

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When you want to work with the new Microsoft Dynamics AX, you have some options to deploy the environment. You can choose between deploying an environment on Azure or download a local machine. The purpose of the local machine is mainly a development box but can also be used for demonstrations (with some limitations). The local environment always contains a predefined demonstration database. What if you want to start with an empty AX database or test with configurations that will be used by the customer? Continue reading and you will know how to start with another database.

Start with an empty AX database?

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