Security configuration synchronize all

It’s the end of the year 2021 and I would like to add one final post for this year. Together with this blog, I’m also preparing my first blog for 2022. This blog will be about the Synchronize all button on the Security configuration form. The next blog is about the Repair button. These two buttons have one thing in common. If you open the Security configuration form in a normal operating environment, these buttons will show the text “Please wait. We’re processing your request.” and nothing seems to happen. In this post, I will explain the purpose of the first-mentioned button and you can find the new blog on January 1, 2022 named: Security configuration – What is the ‘Repair’ button?

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Progress status chart

The Microsoft Dynamics team is continuously improving their solutions. We read a lot about new features from a functional perspective and some expected platform updates to unify and simplify the experiences of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations with Dataverse and the Power Platform. Some investments, like the new grid control, saved views and a new HTML editor control, are announced in the release plans. One development extension is not announced, but appeared as preview in the options for form controls: the Progress status chart control. In this post you will find a video how you, as a developer, can use this control. You can also download the demo form to get started.

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