In my previous blog post, I talked about missing parts on forms when you only focus on granting permissions on menu items. This is mainly the case if you start privileges and duties from scratch to ensure a least permissions principle. Form parts are a type of form control where security can be managed with other menu items. There is more to take into account next to the previously discussed form parts. There are also other form controls where you need to take care of permissions in another way. This blog post is an addition to my previous post where you will now read about additional form control permissions on privileges.

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Implementing the correct security is not only about granting access to menu items. You need to understand the full architecture and realize the menu item linked to a menu is only one option when Microsoft mentions user interface elements in their documentation about the security architecture. I will spend several blogs explaining more options that you need to consider to get the result required by the business. In this post, I will share knowledge about securing form parts.

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