Extensible Data Security examples

The last few months, I did spend a lot of time on speaker sessions for the Summit EMEA, MVP Monday webcast and a coming Dutch Dynamics Community event. In the meantime, it was also extremely busy completing work. One of the topics I talked about recently, is eXtensible Data Security (XDS) in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Read more

I’m working quite a long time at a customer now. In August 2013, I was (re)hired to help on a migration from Dynamics AX4 to Dynamics AX 2012. As I had worked at this customer before, I know about some issues related to performance of the ledger balances. Now in AX2012 the update of balances were different. During posting of accounting entries, records in a table called “Dimension set unprocessed transactions” are inserted. A batch job will take care of updating the balances. Now how did I fool myself?
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In several environments I have seen some wrong security role names or other artifacts. Then instead of the role name it will display a label ID. This post will inform you about how to solve this issue in your environment if you encounter a similar issue.

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During a conversion where I used the Data import export framework (DIXF), I encountered an issue with the substitution of values. The conversions are used if the source file has other codes compared to the setup in your AX environment. This post will tell you how the conversion of values is performed and how to solve the issue I had.

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