
Since June 19, the new Microsoft Dynamics community platform is live. It has a new look, but it is also now built on another platform. A huge effort was done to build the new site and convert the history and all accounts. Unfortunately, some users, including me experience some login issues. In this post, you will read more about the new platform and what to do if you experience some login issues.

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secure by project responsible

Recently, I was speaking about eXtensible Data Security (XDS) at a meetup session for the Pakistan Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform Community. I did a similar session several years ago and created three examples back then as part of the demonstrations of what would be possible to achieve with this framework for record-based security. For this recent session, based on a question on the Dynamics Community forum, I created a new example for restricting access to the projects and related information for a person who is one of the responsible persons. In this post, I will provide some more background information on the functional and technical details.

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while select statement

During my career, I have had to deal many times with performance issues. There are many different causes for this. It can be related to hardware, software, configuration and more. In this post, I will explain two scenarios where a while select statement caused performance issues and how to mitigate them.

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When you are working for a longer period with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and namely when you have experience with older versions, you will take things for granted. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is changing, and it is hard to stay updated of all changes. In this post, I will elaborate on some changes on the batch jobs in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. The new features will help you managing the batch jobs in your own environment. Apart from these new features, be aware of unexpected caveats. Life’s a batch…

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