
Recently, I was involved in investigating a performance issue. The initial thought for the issue was within the standard SysQuery::countLoops() method, but after some more deep dive, the culprit was due to some calculation of virtual fields. In this post, I will elaborate on the purpose and behavior of the SysQuery::countLoops() method and how the performance was impacted by virtual fields.

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In earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX people were used to using the right-click menu in case it was needed to rename the primary key of a record. This post will inform you about renaming records in the current version of Microsoft Dynamics AX (aka AX7).

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Last week I was a speaker on the first AXUG European Congress. This event took place on May 9 and 1o in Stuttgart. My session was about the Data Import Export Framework in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The subject was related to performance and troubleshooting. I decided to write a summary of the presentation in two blog posts. In this post I will recap the performance thoughts. Read more